Repairing a Diaphragm Pump

The diaphragm pump has a history of repeated breakdown, and is often considered to be very unreliable because of this problem. Many people are discouraged from buying the diaphragm pump due to this problem. However, if you are stuck with one of these machines, or if you choose to use it, then you may need to repair it frequently. There are a number of things that you can do in order to fix the pump, and there are also some preventative measures which will ensure that you don’t suffer so many problems in the future. Repairing the pump can be a time-consuming project, but it will be well worth it once the machine is working again.

The most difficult bit of repairing the pump is opening up the device, and then closing it again at the end. Unless you make a careful note of everything that you remove from the pump, you will soon find that you have no idea where anything goes, and this can make it difficult to reinstall after the repair. Start by removing the screws from the outer housing, and then gently pry it apart. Make a note of the U-level below the housing. This is usually the most awkward to replace, but it operates the “Off” switch on the pump, so is very important. You should then place the pump down on the flat surface, and examine the insides.

There may be a number of reasons why the pump has been damaged, although one of the most common is that the electrical components have come into contact with water. This creates a spontaneous chemical reaction which leaves debris on the inside of the pump, preventing it from working. When you open the pump, you may find some white crystals around the edges of the pump. These are aluminum oxide, and are caused by water damage.

Take out any large pieces of debris with a large cloth. You should then take your awl, and place it against the crystals which are fixed to the body of the pump. Using a hammer, tap gently against the awl and watch the crystals being removed from the pump. Keep tapping until all of the crystals have been removed. You can then replace the parts of the pump, and reinstall it.

You can now close the pump. Insert the screws into the inside of the pump, and tighten them using your torque wrench or screwdriver. You can then push the outer housing down around the pump, and fix the screws in place there. Make sure to torque the screws in order to keep the pump watertight. You should then replace the pump into the pipe, using your wrench to replace the fitting.

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